I Misteri di Santa Croce

An artistic installation in the Basilica of Santa Croce, an evocative lighting installation that takes visitors’ breath away in an unforgettable moment when Santa Croce unveils its mysteries, amidst musical notes and silences, architecture, art and spirituality, starting from darkness and arriving at the light.
I Misteri di Santa Croce project makes possible an exclusive and innovative tour of the basilica, beyond the opening hours, thanks to the use of a domotic system of interior lighting in the church. The show combines technology with architecture, art, history and spirituality.

Every Friday
from April to September at 9.15 pm
from Octuber to March at 7.30 pm

about 45 minutes

30 visitors

Full price 15,00€
Reduced with Full Ticket or LeccEcclesiae ticket 10,00€
Free admission for under 12
Buy Misteries of Santa Croce tickets
*Ticket on www.chieselecce.it, at the ticket offices in Piazza del Duomo and at the Basilica of Santa Croce or at the authorized points of sale in Lecce (including possible presale costs).
Ticket includes: reserved access to the Basilica, specialized staff support, brochure.